Chapter 15: Finally!

Hey there! Welcome back to the Baby Boom house! Who’s excited to see how we do with infants today? Because I am!

Last chapter, I finally realized that teens had gotten a life-stage upgrade and that will mess up with my perfect timing lol we also had lots of fun with our little bad apple, and also got our first maxed career when Trina reached the top of Culinary! It was quite an eventful chapter, and very fun! This time, Olwen is finally going to grow up and leave the house, and we’ll finally be having more babies!

Let’s jump in and see what the family is doing!

We start the day with little Rhiannon playing games on mom’s computer.

As an annoying funfact, the game is obsessed with having me start on Rhiannon everytime I enter, whichs messes with the «don’t even select them!» part of the Bad Apple goal lol. I never check her needs or anything before changing to another sim so it’s not like I’m breaking the rule, but it’s still annoying since we have 7 other sims in the household lol.

Anyways, moving on~

We had some money saved and I wanted to add stuff to the house since we’re getting close to being able to have babies again, so I started some little renovation projects! Mainly this new basement for the house.

It’s the magic corner! I moved Trina’s cauldron downstairs, and also just for fun I placed a seancing table and candlemaking station, as well as a pipe organ since I just got Vampires. Also those curtains cover the entrance to our brand new vault, and probably I will get a coffin down here two just for the woohoo spot lol. Buuuut I ran out of money again, so that will be later.

Going back to playing, I totally forgot that last chapter ended with Owiot trapped in the bathroom with a werewolf tamtrum lol well, he’s still in there~ at least this way we can limit the number of things they break and avoid scared sims.

Our happy couple is hard at work already. Trina is missing 3 points of Fitness to complete the bodybuilder aspiration, and Trina just came back home with a promotion and looks like she need to go «paw some food» lol.

Oh, hey! Owiot did this all on his own! Good boy Owiot!

As a reward I got him the perk that lets him go out hunting for food, so he stops being angry all the time because he can’t eat «real meat» lol.

I got bored of exercising, so Trina takes a break to start working on the Musical genius aspiration. Since this is my first time having the Pipe organ as an option, she goes ahead and breaks in our newest item.

Hey Owiot, are you finally happy now that you have meat?

Owiot: «Yes. Wolf likes meat. Wolf hunts dinner.»

I mean, you don’t have to say it like that, it’s not even you who has the wolf brain quirk lol but I’m happy that you like it.

Olwen comes home that night with yet another raise lol! And listen, I adore Olwen, she’s definitely one of my favorites… buy I’m so ready for her to move out lol the 21 days teenhood feels eternal!

Our Evil boy, Pan, took it upon himself to terrorize his little sister. Seriously, everytime I left him on free will, he would go and start picking on Rhiannon. The worst part about this is that somehow Rhiannon loved him lol she was always trying to go talk to him even if he was rude!

This is Latiaran’s most common moodlet lol very on point, and I still have a blast with this girl.

Since I got Vampires one of my favorite things to do on every save is check who’s Vlad getting married to lol in this savefile, he got Knox! That’s two very interesting looking sims, I’m curious about their babies lol.

They look like they were arguing, but this pic was actually to say that our two problem children actually get along great with eachother lol. Well, two of our problem children, I’m still not used to counting Pan in that group lol.

Aries is still here and still being well taken care of. I remembered to buy the immortality treats to give him, but then I couldn’t find the choice…which makes me think that I had probably already fed him one lol.

Since Owiot was working on the Handiness skill, I’m having him go arround the house making upgrades on stuff lol. He’s a good kid when he’s not a disaster pup.

Ah yes, one more thing for Latiaran to complain over on her everyday life lol! This will impact nothing about her.

I think it’s funny how Rhiannon always has this slouched and kinda derpy look when I look at her lol she’s very cute. Oblivio is also a good sister and makes friends with her on her own a lot. They have to bo together since they’re the only kids right now.

The makeshift gym is probably the favorite room in the house lol. I get it about Trina, but I’m surprised about how much the kids use it too.

Tyr came to the house to randomly clean our not-dirty toilet lol Neat sims, am I right?

It took me a little while, but I remembered to get Pan a job! He’s on the Retail career, mainly because he already had some Charisma skill so that was less job for us lol.

Another cute little picture of Aries ❤ he’s a friend, we love him.

While the family skills or sleeps, I follow Rhiannon around and see what she does lol tonight she was playing «take out food and don’t eat it to annoy the watcher» and then she went to dance when she got bored lol.

Olwen is gonna have her birthday later today, and since I’m still working on a couuuple more skills for her before then, I had her wake up early to take a vacation day so we can finish.

Also, raise your hand if you’d forgotten (or didn’t know) that Olwen had a tatto!! lol *raises hand* I seriously took a little too long of a break from this challenge.

Pan: «I’m very happy that it’s gonna be your birthday later today, sis.»

Olwen: «Aw, thanks Pan!»

Pan: «That means I won’t have to see you anymore!»

Olwen: «Wait, what?»

…Yeah, Pan keeps being kind of a prick since he grew up lol at least he’s fun to play.

Sha’s emotional bomb quirk + her sad moodlets about scaring Trina as a wolf have turned her into a Gloomy sim. I said yes, because the gloomy trait helps with creative stuff lol also, because I say yes to all of these!

Trina baked a fancy cake for Olwen’s birthday! This could easily be the last cake we bake since Trina has the Fresh chef trait, but I love baking cakes a little too much lol.

And meanwhile, Olwen was outside getting her last Cooking point! Yay! She was a very productive teenager for sure lol.

Trina also discovered a new trait then since I sent her to keep working on the Pipe organ, she’s a Music lover. I approve.

Shai was having trouble with the Bodybuilder aspiration because for some reason she could not jog lol she would change into athletic wear, walk outside and just put her clothes back on lol I finally managed to get that part of the aspiration done by having her «jog here» from place to place lol! It was annoying, but we got it done.

And then both her and Trina were able to go celebrate with Olwen! Happy birthday Olwen! I’m gonna miss you but man you were a teenager forever lol! Also you’re so pretty ❤

Anyways, Olwen gave us the following points: +30 for being born, +25 for maxing all her toddler skills, +10 for reaching YA, + 5 for maxing a job, + 5 for getting and mantaining her A, + 10 for the Cooking skill, and +10 more for Comedy skill. A grand total of + 85! Thanks Olwen!

She moved out and was uploaded to the gallery, so go snatch her up for any games you may have in mind!

There was just too much laundry being produced by this family lol so I ended up buying a second washing machine and dryer. Then Owiot helped us upgrading them too and gained more Handiness, everybody wins!

Rhiannon has a B! For an uncontrollable kid, she’s been doing very good at keeping up with homework, and since she’s always playing and dancing, her skills aren’t a problem either. I’m very proud of my little apple ❤

Lol for some reason I forgot that meat would need to be refrigerated, so all of this that Owiot hunted yesterday saddly went bad. Sorry Owiot, this one’s on me lol!

At least he seems to like going hunting.

it was monday, so project day for everyone~ Latiaran was at Drama club tho, and I put out Rhiannon’s project in case she wanted to come and join her siblings, but you guys know how sims are with these projects lol.

And while all the kids were busy with their school stuff, their moms take a chance to get back into shape after not having a baby in so long lol I was a little too excited.

Also, rocket woohoo time! Definitely one of the cooler objects to use for this! And Don’t worry, I had Trina add the landing stabilizers beforehand, I didn’t want to risk my couple lol.

We got another Drama club pop up while waiting for the rocketship to come back, and listen, if they want me to stop choosing the rebelious and chaotic option, they should stop making them so much fun lol! I really love teather kids!

Rhiannon didn’t get her project done, but she did complete her homework all on her own! Apparently she did it sitting here by little Aries, maybe she had some science/biology stuff to research with the little guy.

Aaaaand looks like the girls are back, and our space adventure was successful! Trina is pregnant with our 13th baby! Let’s hope we keep our good luck for the last half of the challenge!

Owiot stopped working on his project to go to work, and then came back on a fury and transformed so he couldn’t keep working on it lol I think he really didn’t want to do that project.

Shai didn’t had much to do at this time, so she helped her kids finish their projects since they were taking a lot for some reason lol. Oblivio was the first to complete her castle, so she has the traditional picture.

And after taking care of that, Shai was getting some burn out apparently, so I sent her to do some creative stuff and also yoga. The burn out is definitely not my favorite thing from GrT, but it’s manageable at least.

Also, looks like writing doesn’t trigger the Wolf brain quirk! That’s good to know!

This pair is still making friends all on their own, so since Oblivio is gonna need a best friend for her aspiration anyways, I start having them work on that. It’s always easier to make friends with siblings lol.

Owiot got done with his werewolf tamtrum, so now he repairs the keys he broke up, and everything’s right again on the house~

I always enjoy seeing these two exist and do art together ❤ I think it’s pretty cute. Also I just noticed the bassinet blocking that door lol I gotta fix that next time I go into this save lol thankfully there are two doors to the toddler room.

Also, Trina has been painting non-stop because, again, I decimated our household funds with my upgrades, and we have no money to pay the 10k bills that just came in lol.

I sent Owiot to play some games since he was super bored after school and work, and Rhiannon went to join him on her own ❤ also, this is the first time I catch the giant spaceship in a picture! even if its just the tip of it lol.

Honestly, by this point I was sure that Trina already had this skill mastered, buy apparently I was wrong lol. Congrats for having it know Trina! It’s a good one for this challenge.

We were just not having luck at getting those 10k for bills, so Shai stepped up to try and give us some masterpieces since Trina’s painting skill is a lot lower than hers.

MY GOD that’s a pricey masterpiece! I should’ve done this since the start!

Thanks Shai, you’re saving your family!

I never get tired of seeing Shai sleeping on the floor like this lol everytime I click on her energy need, she takes it as a sign to fall sleep on the spot lol it’s so cute.

Also apparentlly taking wolf naps gives experience! so she got another wolf level!

I saw Morgyn Ember hanging out behind our house, and Shai got the option to have …supernatural bash it is? lol I donit remember the exact name, but I had to try it just out of curiosity, and she won lol! That’s my girl!

Also sorry Morgyn.

Ok, this time Latiaran has more than enough reason to be annoyed lol those needs are a mess. I love drama club, but the fact that it happens directly after classes makes it so hard to keep the kids needs in good shape lol. Sorry Latiaran!

Obvlivio and Rhiannon get to use the Don’t wake the llama table while working on their friendship, and while doing this Oblivio actually maxes her skill! Also, I never use this game but its a lot of fun! I always loved Jenga!

I got a notification about Morgyn «having to leave» at around 3:00 AM… I didn’t know that having your butt handed to you by a werewolf was an invitation to hang out, or even that he was still out there on the backyard lol but hey, you do you Morgyn.

Trina gained quite a bit of fame with all of her painting to pay our bills this week, so she gets her first quirk. Of course it’s this one lol I think I need to have my sims do some more varied stuff so they get different quirks. I’ve never had the fan mail or the cellphone addict ones per example lol.

Heimdall is visiting again, and Trina takes the chance to let him know he’s gonna be a big brother again. Heimdall didn’t take it so good lol.

Heimdall: «But mom, why?! There’s already 12 of us around!!»

Trina: «And there will be more!»

Trina is often alone during the morning since all the kids are school aged now, so we took the change then to take her out to view some art for aspiration, and also meet some people for other aspirations lol we need to keep working on earning some points that we’re not gonna use lol.

Looks like kids are back home and Pan got an A! Congrats Pan! And time to go back home~

Oblivio and Pan are the only kids with halfway decent needs, so they work on homework just after coming home. Rhiannon is too cool to do homework with her siblings, so she keeps them company by eating lol.

Latiaran, we’ve been playing with the new update for like…a week AT MOST. How do you have 3 childhood phases already?!

This girl is a disaster lol just a total disaster!

Oblivio and Rhiannon are finally best friends! I love them ❤ also, Oblivio can keep going with her aspiration now!

I promise Rhiannon has a room now… you’ve seen it. but girl just keeps loving to sleep here instead for some reason.

While working out some more, Shai decides to become Active like her wife. I see this, it makes sense.

Oblivio works on making the last friends she needs. She’s making friends with her big bro Tyr.

Trina noooo! You can’t drink juice while you’re pregnant! Think of the children!

Trina: «You spent weeks having me work non-stop on this thing! Now my brain is highwired! The bar calls to me!!!»

…I mean she has a point. but still, I think we need to get her a healthier hobby lol.

So I told her to stop the drink mixing and go sell this painting, and she was nominated to an award from it. The fun part about it? This was one of Shai’s paintings, not hers lol!

Damn, I thought I had finally found the problem with Rhiannon’s sleeping arrangements by changing her bed because for some reason I couldn’t get her to claim the previous bed so I changed it for this one instead and she FINALLY started using it… and then this happened and I realized that I forgot to buy her a nightlight *slams head against table* dumb Salem!

I gotta admit that it’s pretty cute that, from all the people in the house, she decided to go wake Pan so he would spray the monster away. But at the same time, Pan is a prick to you Rhiannon! He’s literally always yelling and insulting you!

See? They are fighting again just a couple hours later!

Also, I love Shai cooking on the background lol this screams «tired mom telling her kids to behave while she tries to make breakfast before school» lol.

I love having laundry in game, but it’s so tiring how often these things brea *heavy sigh* someday I will get over it, I promise lol.

Awwwwn Rhiannon and Oblivio tried to sell some test answers as a prank but saddly Oblivio was caught with them since people didn’t believe them lol I don’t get why they didn’t, these girls are so good usually! Sill, trying pranks is always fun lol.

Right as I was about to take a picture of Latiaran’s promotion, Trina went into labor and covered the notification lol the new baby already wants to overshadow their siblings.

But anyways, Trina is a strong girl and has had five pregnancies already, so she was perfectly okey finishing dinner before welcoming our newest kid.

And there it is! I woke up Shai so she could be present for the birth too lol. I don’t think she appreciates it.

But anyways, birth goes ok as usual, and we have our seventh boy home! I named him Pluto, after the roman counterpart of Hades, God of the dead. Trina quickly changes him into a black onesie to keep in theme because I thought it was funny lol.

I was gonna stop at this point to not have the chapter be that long, buuuut honestly I was having a lot of fun with the family lol so let’s keep going for a little more! Owiot’s birthday is not too far away, so we’ll stop there.

Quick shot of Latiaran keeping up with her wellness skill. She seems to enjoy it, but so far I don’t think it makes that much difference to her moodlets lol she’s still having the worst day ever most of the days lol.

Rhiannon wanders into her mom’s room and meets Pluto. I have no idea what reaction she had, but at least she didn’t look sad or angry, so I wanna think that she liked him lol.

Trina completed her first masterpiece and it’s a super cute one that we decided to keep! She also decided that she’s now Perfectionist. With this Trina has gained one of Shai’s original 3 traits, and Shai has also gained one of Trina’s, which I find super cute.

Next morning it was Love day, so the kids go around giving eachother flowers. Since we can’t control Rhiannon, Latiaran includes her by giving her a cute Begonia. Rhiannon seems to love it.

The kids go to school and get their love day events, and I’m impressed that I actually got 2 successful ones! I’m also annoyed because Pan and Owiot got the same event, I chose opposite options for them, and both options failed! This game is the worst sometimes!

Also, for some reason Rhiannon didn’t get an event. It’s weird, I know I’ve had more than 4 events in a day on other saves!

Now that Trina is not pregnant anymore she can finally go on space missions for the Nerd Brain aspiration! The option to make upgrades is a little too expensive for us right now lol.

She comes back and goes to give some to our little buddy who was feeling a little lonely ❤ a dumbas and her bubalus, so cute.

Trina: «Hey!»

Shai finally got her branching promotion! I say, as if she hadn’t been working for like… two weeks lol. As I said before I got her into the Patron of the Arts branch because I usually go into Master of the real so I wanted a change. Also, I really want to get them the cool reward bed for their room.

Again, stop giving teather kids all the fun chaotic options lol I just can’t resist them!

Since newborn stage goes in a flash now, it was already time for Pluto to grow up!

Quick makeover because I wanted to see his hair lol he’s a little cutie as usual ❤ Both his hair and eyes come from Shai, who apparently has the dominant genetics from this pair, by far lol. Trina starts having some tummy time with him, and then he lays down for a nap.

Initially I wanted to build a special room for infants, but I would mess up with my house floorplan and also, we’re probably not gonna have more than one toddler at a time anymore, so just changing a toddler bed for a crib it’s enough.

The kids broke the arcade machine, and I discovered that apparently there’s no option to rapair these things? Why?

I’m not allowed to hire help (and mainly, I was annoyed lol) so I sold this and got a Fabricator instead to try and work on the candlemaking station downstairs lol we have a games console anyways.

Also when I went into build mode I went ahead and got the family a pool! Now that it’s spring kids can enjoy it a lot more, so it was time.

Again, I didn’t save any money for bills next week lol so probably more painting is in Shai’s future.

Mmmm Shai, I don’t think the cheese in that sandwich is very… fresh?

Shai: «You’re telling me? one of the kids started that and left it there like a week ago.»

And you’re not gonna clean it or something? lol.

Shai: «Hey, they made it, they clean it! It’s not my problem!»

I respect that lol But… at least cook in the other stove then? lol.

So, how you likin’ having an Infant now Trina?

Trina: «I… I love him so much.»

He’s really cute, huh? lol.

Trina: «You should totally restart the challenge so we can have 24 of these! They are great!»

Ooh nope, we’re not getting there lol I love them, but I definitely not looking to restarting this thing! You’re having 12 and only 12! Or more if luck gets troll, but shhhh.

Owiot is working on getting his last skill points before birthday. Here we have him earning level 5 Dancing!

Also, this is the most unenthusiastic dance I’ve ever seen, and this kid is a Dance machine lol I love the irony.

…Ah yes, the good times you’ve spent with your Infant brother whom you have interacted with maybe once!

Oblivio finally completes the Social butterfly aspiration! This time it took me a loooong time, but it had been a while since I played this household, so I was kinda rekindling myself with them lol.

I believe I gave her Playtime Captain next, since it’s the only one of the new aspirations that I hadn’t tried at this point.

This is the moment where Owiot finally eanrs his last point on Handiness skill! With this he maxed 3 different skills, and actually got fairly high on Logic too. Look at our new overachiever!

After my 100 babies challenge, I’m a little paranoic with the telescope, but it keeps being a great way to earn logic and I really love the object, so Pan gets some fresh air while working on his skill this way lol.

It took me literally until this moment to remember that Shai was working on the knitting aspiration lol so we got back into it. She still has to sell an item on plopzy, but I’m still more interested in having new clothes for CAS lol it’s a struggle.

Olwen came to visit and then she and Rhiannon became good friends! Olwen is such a sweetheart ❤ Definitely a fave.

It was the weekend, so we took a trip to the Community center so the family could do something different. I probably didn’t chose the best moment for it, if you look at Shai’s rage filled aura lol But I wanted Obvlivio to go play with the splash pads for aspiration and I remembered there are some of those around here.

And I was right! It did took me a while to find this place tho lol it’s way more away from the building than I thought.

Oblivio moved to the second tier of the aspiration, and I almost threw a fit because it’s asking her to make 3 children friends again. We just did that for her last aspiration!! Why?!

That’s what I get for no peeking at the aspirations beforehand!

But anyways, back to the rest of the family because I don’t want to work on making more friends now (and also, for a family lot there were not a lot of children here lol). Shai takes it on herself to take care of little Pluto while Trina works out, and here I discover that apparently now both moms can breastfeed a baby for some reason? lol I’m guessing this is a bug to be addressed, but it was funny.

Also, Latiaran chose this time to do her extra credit homework out on one of the benches lol I love how my sims are always such good kids when I leave them on their own. Asides from Pan, but you know, Evil sims lol.

Ah! Looks like it’s time to go back home for out last birthday of the chapter! Finally, now I’m really getting a little tired lol.

Straight back home and into the birthday! Happy birthday Owiot!

As a funfact, he was just finishing to blow up the candles when he got a pop up for a new trait lol literally he hadn’t even spinned into adulthood! But this is a good trait for our party boy, so I said yes of course.

And here we have him all grown up! He’s very handsome, definitely has a lot of Shai’s features. His grand total is the biggest a kid has gotten us so far, +95! Thay would be +30 for being born, + 25 for toddler skills maxed, + 10 for reaching YA, + 5 for A and +5 for his job, and a total of +30 for maxing Wellness, Handiness and Dancing! He also made it to level 5-6 of Logic, so he was well on track for that one too lol.

Like Olwen, he’s already on the gallery in case you want to take him!

And as said before, this is where I stopped playing for the day! Next time we’re gonna have more birthdays, maybe another kid? I gotta see how much I want to space out the kids for the new lifespans. And maybe even a maxed career if Shai keeps doing this good with it! We’ll see. I hope to see you then!

Until then, happy simming!

Publicado por salemsvartulv

Hey! I'm new on the Sims Blogger comunity, but I've plahyed these games since the first one, so I thought it was worth the shot :D Also, I'm mexican so english is not my first language, so forgive my little mistakes xD still learning

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